Git Yer Fly-PA Here!

 In Blog, Uncategorized

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen - I'm blogging. How are you spending your Friday night?!

I've gotta tell ya, this getting dark early winter-y thing is pretty ridiculous, and it's taking its toll. My energy level is way down, and I usually can't tell if I'm going to or from work, since the sky is the same in either case. I'm also losing all track of time.

What, you might ask, gets me through? What is my plan for fighting off the demons of winter blues?


Which is available still at Pillager's Pub, but now also at Hopvine and Fiddler's Inn! Disclaimer - Fiddler's has received a keg, but I am not 100% sure if it is tapped. You can always give them a call, or stop in and ask for it. We'll update the Facebook when we have confirmation of that sweet sweet nectar flowing. You guys did a great job of drinking all the Fly-PA at Beveridge Place - but please keep asking them for it! They might order another keg!

Which brings me to my next point - how can you help? Besides making the trek to these fine establishments and drinking Fly-PA? Get it on tap at your local watering hole! How to do that: chat up the bartender(s) and owner(s) of your favorite local bar. Let them know we have ~450 members that would love to come and do their part to kill the keg. Let them know the beer is an easy-like-Sunday-morning drinking IPA that is member-sourced. Talk it up!

When the owner/beer buyer at the bar is convinced, the next step is to tell them to contact Three Skulls Ales (which they may well already have a relationship with) to get a keg. They've been great about handling all that, so that's where to go. If they aren't already in contact with them, get an email address and shoot us a message at info AT and let us know the relevant details. We'll connect the bar to Three Skulls and see that they get their keg!

Finally, we'll post about it here and on Facebook and point folks towards the True North that is Fly-PA.

Just like this -

For folks in North Seattle, Fly-PA will be on tap at Special Brews! We're having an event there on Wednesday, November 30th. Fly-PA will be tapped that night! We'll be there from 6:30 to 9. Come on out and get a pint, get a growler, and hang out with your favorite co-op members! Board members will also be there, hanging out and chatting it up. Hope to see you!

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