2022 Summer Homebrew Competition – Witbier (Judging)

 In Member Event

Date(s) - 08/13/2022 - 08/14/2022

Flying Bike Taproom


The Summer competition to select a Witbier to serve at the brewery is at hand.  See the upcoming Witbier tasting event to find out what it’s all about, and prepare yourself to be a discerning beer judge.

The competition will be held at the Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery from 11am – 1pm on both Saturday and Sunday, the weekend before the Brewery’s Seventh Anniversary.  Sign up for whichever day is most convenient for you.  We prefer that you sign up in advance before 5pm on Friday the 12th, but you can still come to the event on the day of and sign up in person.

Only members will participate in the actual judging, but you are welcome to bring a 21+ guest or two to taste the entries.   Due to Liquor Control Board requirements, guests must sign in.  Non-tasting family members are always welcome, too.  The brewery will not be serving during the event.

We’re a volunteer-run organization, so consider signing up to help work, as well:  Volunteer at the Witbier competition

Please note that Last Call is at 12:45pm, and glasses down promptly at 1:00pm






Signups are closed for this event.

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