2024 Fall Homebrew Competition – Brewers and Judges
Date(s) - 11/16/2024 - 11/17/2024
11:00am - 1:00pm
Flying Bike Taproom
This time around, we’re looking for a Maibock. A bit early, you say? But this would be the perfect opportunity to find the right recipe and have it ready for Springtime at the tap.
If you’re not sure what that is, it’s also known as a Helles Bock – A relatively pale, strong, malty lager beer. Designed to walk a fine line between blandness and too much color. Hop character is generally more apparent than in other bocks.
To enter a beer in the competition, go here
To volunteer to help run the judging session, go here. It won’t happen without you!
To participate in the judging, and select your favorite to go on tap at the brewery, sign up below
As a member-owner, you’re invited to judge the entries! You MUST be a member to participate in judging. Beers will be available to sample from 11am until 1pm on Saturday and Sunday. You, the judge, can attend whichever is more convenient for you. Voting will be similar to our recent competitions; you’ll vote for your top picks based on your own tastes and perceptions, keeping the specific style in mind, of course. Please sign up before 8:00 PM on November 15. If there are insufficient signups, we may cancel one of the days.
***Friends and Family members who are not members of Flying Bike are welcome to come hang out and taste as well, however they will not be allowed to act as a judge and vote on the beers. Due to Liquor Control Board requirements, we must ask that guests sign up as well.***
Please email beer@flyingbike.coop if you have any questions.
Please note that Last Call is at 12:45pm, and glasses down promptly at 1:00pm
Signups are closed for this event.