2024 PNA Summer Beer Taste

 In Volunteer Opportunity

Date(s) - 07/13/2024
4:00pm - 7:00pm

Phinney Neighborhood Center


Taste microbrews from more than 30 Northwest breweries and cideries, including beers made just for these events, at our famous PNA Beer Tastes.

Summer’s here, and so’s the beer.  At the Phinney Neighborhood Association’s Summer Beer Taste, that is.  Come and join the fun in the sun.  Sure to be a winner!

Setup:  Meet at the Brewery at 1:00pm (actual time subject to change) to pick up beers, jockey box, and canopy (yes, we need to set up our own cover), haul it down to the PNA site and get situated.  Beers flow at 4:00, so there should be time to grab a burger at nearby Red Mill, if bacon tickles your fancy.  Other options available, and there will be some food on site.

The Pour job is restricted to Pour Team members, so if you’re on the team, but cannot sign up, shoot us an email at festivals@flyingbike.coop!


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