Spring 2018 Homebrew Competition

 In Homebrew Competition, Member Event, Volunteer Opportunity

Date(s) - 02/23/2019 - 02/24/2019
All Day

Flying Bike Taproom


We’re excited to invite all Flying Bike Member-Owners to submit their favorite Kölsch recipe to our March 2019 competition! This event will be held at Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery, where submitted beers will be available for members to taste and judge for a few hours before opening on Saturday March 23rd, and Sunday March 24th.

For reference, check out BJCP Style 5B Kölsch. The winning beer will be determined by a “best of show” competition judged by your fellow member-owners.  

We are limiting the number of submissions to 30, so sign up early! Limit one beer submission per brewer. This is your chance to get involved with YOUR brewery! Your recipe could be scaled up and consumed by craft beer lovers all over Seattle. 

Submissions must be received on or before March 18th – so start building those recipes!

Some other things to consider:

          — Keep your recipe practical to produce from a process standpoint. You can be creative, but keep in mind that Kevin will need to perform these steps at 7bbl scale!

          — Strive to be economically scalable with your ingredients as well. Limit them to easily available grains, hops and adjuncts. This aspect will be key to whether or not Flying Bike can regularly brew your beer and feature it on draft (and possibly available for distribution!)

Any Flying Bike member-owner may submit a beer and/or attend the event to taste and vote (including brewers!). The winning recipe will be scaled up and brewed in our brewhouse by Kevin Forhan with YOU as their assistant!
Beers will be available to sample on both days of the competition, so please be sure to submit plenty of beer. We strongly recommend 3 gallons as a minimum; we don’t want to run out of your potential winning beer before all the ballots are cast! You can submit your beer in bottles or kegs. Keg submissions must supply their own party tap.


Signups are closed for this event.

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