Spring 2022 Homebrew Competition – Volunteers

 In Volunteer Opportunity

Date(s) - 03/26/2022 - 03/27/2022
10:00am - 1:00pm

Flying Bike Taproom


We need a few volunteers to help set up, pour, and clean up during our Barleywine competition.  We’ll need one person checking people in, 2 pouring, and one refilling pitchers.  Easy, flexible shift – volunteers tend to swap positions as needed, and you will also be able to taste and judge the entries.

Just select a “ticket” below for the day you want to help.

This is an easy and fun way to get a volunteer punch on your Frequent Flyer passport!

Just want to come to taste and score the beers?  Come on down to the brewery, check in, and pick up a tasting glass and a scoring sheet.  Guests are welcome, 21 and over only, to taste but not score for credit.  To sign up as a judge:  Sign up here

Please note that Last Call is at 12:45pm, and glasses down promptly at 1:00pm


To sign up as a judge:  Sign up here


Signups are closed for this event.

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