It’s like Christmas morning, but with beer!

 In Blog, In the News, Uncategorized

I'm writing this Sunday evening, so we haven't technically opened memberships to the public yet. But by the time this gets posted Monday AM, we will be live! We're all excited like little kids at Christmas, but with beer!

No, that's not quite it. We've put this thing together, and we're ready to push it off and let it run on its own in the wild that is Seattle. Maybe it's more like the first day of school, but with beer? Are we watching our little one get on the bus then going back home and cracking a six-pack?

Well golly, that's not right either.

Rather than trying to make another questionable simile, let me just say this - we've come a long way since our first meeting in May of '10. We've had a lot of discussions, planning, phone calls, emails, we've read up on business laws and licensing requirements, and we've come up with something that we're all proud of. We feel that Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery is ready to go from being an idea to a reality, and we hope that you all agree with us. If you like what you see, then please join us in this venture and become a part of Washington's first cooperative brewery!

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