Member Meet and Greet

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As Member/Owner 360, I volunteered this past weekend at

“The First Annual Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery’s
Member Meet and Greet”.

I have to say, I had an absolute blast. I met some of the most amazing people. The diversity in the mix of Flying Bike members made for a perfect party. There were men and women from all ages and background coming together to make this brewery a reality.

Conversations were easily sparked with the simple phrase, “What’s your member number?” It was not being bantered around like a status symbol but rather as a way to say, “When did you come on board?”, or “When and how did first hear about this project?” The answers were so varied. It amazed me how word travels in sometimes the oddest of ways.

Link to Presidents Speech Video Click Here

Another thing that I found utterly fantastic was how many people stopped to ask me how I got a volunteer slot for the event and how they can get on board for the future. My answer was simple; I contacted the board and listed my skill set in a resume of sorts. I had extensive experience in party and event planning that when the time came for this event to getting rolling, Member 11 (Danielle) and I were called up from the bullpen. Other members were selected based on skills, such as our amazing event photographer, Niki, and videographer Michael (Aka Beer Monger). My recommendation is to send your short form resume with your member number to He keeps detailed files and is never shy about calling people up for assistance. Once the volunteer committee is drafted this process will get more streamlined but, for now, this is working in its place.

On a final note: I just wanted to say a personal thanks to all the new friends that I made this weekend. There were so many hands that came together to make the Members Meet and Greet happen that I feel I need to mention a few that personally made my day. Patsy (Problem solver extraordinaire), Mark (Home Brewer) and Lynn (Aka Mrs. Beer Monger) were the best kind of volunteers possible; they jumped in where ever needed and made everything seem so effortless.

Last but not least are our tireless board members who I know spent so many hours, I can’t even begin to count, making all this come together. It was truly an overwhelming outpour of enthusiasm that screamed “Cooperative” in the best ways possible.

I look forward to the future and can’t wait to see what wonderful ideas come from the committees that will soon be forming. I plan to volunteer and continue to be a part of the team in whatever capacity I can.

Signing off,
Member/Owner 360 (Aka The Beer Widow)

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